Well, I'm back in Iowa and it is cold. Also, my garage door froze so my car is trapped--welcome home to me! Winter Break was pretty off the chain. Here's a peek at what happened:
1) We went to Baltimore where this flock of seagulls ATTACKED me. Literally swooped down and surrounded me. At one point, there were multiple birds perching on my person. Not okay. This photo is just of phase one, when they united as an army front to corner me.
...which, we both agreed, was not quite as humiliating as this guy, who literally had to dress up as a panda and dance monkey dance in a human sized snow globe.
It was also a good time to test out my Asian-ness. And for those of you who doubt I give you Amy & the Panda Wall. What's more Asian than this? That's right: Nothing.
Zoolights is great because they basically make animals out of lights. Like a family of elephants:
Or wolves howling at the moon. I wanted that shirtless werewolf to come out of the woods. Warren was clearly equally disappointed when he didn't. For shame (this is me crying to the moon my pain):
4) There was an EPIC snowstorm. So epic that the city closed down for a weekend and everyone stayed home and watched movies and drank cocoa and got a little bit of cabin fever. But we also got to play in the snow. It was too deep to make snow angels. I found this out the hard way.
So did Warren...
Hope you all had a lovely holiday!!!
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