Since we're about to leave, it's high time that I show you the goings on in these parts. For instance, where we've been living (rent-free...holla!) for the past school year:
Our charming abode. And yes, it's called the Lancelot House:
Across the street (fancy new student ward building and girl's dorms)
A corner of our little kitchen:
The following are some of our favorite small town activities (Yes, they all revolve around food. Please don't judge, there's only so many times you can go to the Family Dollar...)
1. Homemade Pizza Margherita and Cupcakes!
2. BBQ at Glen Maury Park (Perfect Baked Buffalo Wings)!
3. Icecream at Lexington's Sweet Things Shoppe
4. Napping in Hammocks!
We've grown attached to these lovely Blue Ridge Mountains and will miss the small town life (though it will be a relief not to live an hour away from civilization!)
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